Cottage during Covid-19


Cottage values play and connection

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, our Cottage community has pulled together to protect each other and stay connected. When faced with the crisis, we thought long and hard about our values, centering collaborative leadership and inclusion in how we make decisions about our school. We have been good maskers and are a highly vaccinated community of children and adults.

We also made some modifications to how we operate, some of which persist today: we are currently bringing snacks from home instead of having our traditional family-style snack, we do some of our events on Zoom and some in person, and we have lots of conversations about current recommendations and best practice as we move forward. Fortunately, Cottage has always been mostly outdoors, and our community has wholeheartedly embraced our care for each other as high priority. Families are taking care to keep kids home to recover from the slightest cold. The level of trust and comfort here could not be higher. Cottage will continue to stand by our local health department on how we navigate the ever-changing public health situation.

For more information, or to address specific questions, contact our Admissions pod or our Director at the buttons below.