Parent Education

Teaching in the classroom educates us about child development in real time with real children! Attending our parent education series offers another way to enrich that knowledge base. We host and sponsor monthly parent education seminars throughout the year.  Some events take place off-site or virtually in the evenings and some take place at Cottage after drop-off.   

We require each family to attend four parent education events during the school year.  Attending the Parent Education Potluck in October counts as one parent education seminar. Attending a non-Cottage parent education event will also count toward your credits.  Reading an approved book related to early childhood development with a follow-up discussion with the Director will give credit towards this requirement as well. Please email all related parent education credits to the Parent Ed Pod Captain.   If you are unable to complete your parent education requirements, a buy-out of $25 per parent education seminar is available.

If you have any special requests for speakers or have a contact, please fill out our request form